Medical Practice

Demise of medicine: neurologist who advocated for patients is silenced

Virginia Thornley, M.D., Neurologist

July 30, 2018


Many physicians are overwhelmed by patient loads, 10 minute visits, the wealth of documentation dictated by health insurance requirements and the overwhelming overtaking of medicine by non-physician personnel. Wellness programs abound but this only addresses the symptoms of the underlying problem. We see articles and articles abounding online: physician fired or coerced into resignation for speaking about the quality of healthcare placing profits over patients or speaking about non-physicians overstepping boundaries putting patients at risk. Physicians are termed “non-team players” and “disruptors.”  We see non-physicians calling themselves doctors when they are not doctors of medicine but something else other than medicine managing the most complex cases in the hospital setting at times performing duties beyond their limits. NP’s and PA’s see patients, order tests and make decisions on treatment. This is most rampantly seen on the primary care horizon under the liability and license of a physician. Some aggressive organizations of NP’s are now very powerful seeking independent practice, meaning practicing without the supervision of a physician.  They have a place in medicine but their positions were never designed to overtake the skill sets of physicians. Patients are referred in-network in order to increase profitability of that company even when a better physician may be outside of the network. Appointments, which used to be at the discretion of the physician, are now reduced to staring at a computer making sure all the boxes are clicked rather than looking at the patient in the eye to construct their stories. The cancer is the business model at the center which must be ripped out. The minute medicine became profit-centered and not patient-centered was the beginning of the end of healthcare as we knew it. This is the healthcare we face today.

The training of a medical physician

Previously, the connection was straightforward-physician and patient. That connection is sacred which nobody on this earth held, it is that sacred. A physician’s duty is towards the patient, taking care of them using all the knowledge of the sciences with which they trained for so long. There are 4 years of pre-medical school, 4 years of medical school, 1 year of internship, 3-5 years of residency training and 2-3 years of fellowship. That is 11-17 years of medical training. Let’s repeat, that is 11-17 years of training. Let us emphasize what goes on in that training. When you look up differences, organizations ensconce the number of years, the accreditation, will play up that non-physician personnel saves money, they fill a need, they are just as good, let’s repeat, they are just as good. However, the difference lies in the training. In medical school, there is weeding so only the most strong-willed  progress to residency. Hours and hours of studying occurs before becoming an M.D. or D.O. Students learn pathology, physiology, pharmacology, anatomy, surgery. These are subjects that are wide in breadth and intense which are difficult to even cram in 4 years. Then, there is residency. There is absolutely nothing on earth comparable to the extreme depth of residency training of physicians, absolutely nothing. Internship is spent learning generalities of a wide variety of general subjects. Residents are involved in codes, rotate in the ER, rotate in internal medicine, attend daily conferences, day in day out, day in day out, day in day out. Residency entails 90-hour weeks in some specialties and those who trained before 2002. Residents take detailed histories seeing patients, formulating a diagnosis, seeing patients in the ER, the ICU, and out-patient settings. Patients are presented every single day to a senior attending who have more breadth and knowledge as residents learn from their expertise. Nights are spent at work so that the progression of disease processes and management is understood. One makes split second life-changing decisions while gradually building responsibility. The craft is finely honed daily in the 3-6 years of residency training so that physicians are completely confident to enter practice or further training in fellowship, which is another 1-3 years. This will never ever be equivalent to any other type of training on earth regardless of the profession. This is what makes a physician a physician. That knowledge and skill set is irreplaceable unless the same training is undergone. Patients can tell a difference, physicians can tell a difference. It doesn’t matter how many other years other non-physician personnel may have trained or shadowed in the hospital, it will never be anywhere equivalent to the medical studies, residency, fellowship training, board examinations and most especially the vast wealth of experience that makes a physician a physician.

Patients entrust their health, their well-being and even their states of mind to their physicians. Physicians train not only for their specialties and subspecialties but they have the unique skill set to recognize subtle symptoms giving rise to other possibly devastating diseases. They are exposed to a myriad of diseases and are able to respond to chronic and to some of the most acute issues that encompass a vast fund of knowledge one can only derive from years of study and training. This can only come with the extensive training and experience which well-trained physicians have. When this perfect system and bond of a well-trained physician and a patient is broken, the system collapses. Physicians are terminated all over the country by administrators when they speak up about the diminishing quality of care when the less trained personnel deliver care or when denouncing profit over patient. Rather than addressing the problem at its roots, we place bandaids.


How did we come to this? A brief background of the demise of medicine

Once upon a time, private practices flourished. Physicians followed their own patients in the hospital setting. There were no teams. The relationship was between doctor and patient.

Recently, hospitalists cared for patients  disrupting the continuity of care which has evolved into a team. All the patient knows is that many people in white coats were seen and the doctor’s name is not remembered. Fast forward to the future, solo private practices are as scarce as the dinosaurs that ruled the earth. Pressured by time-consuming requirements of health insurances, practices are increasingly sold to hospital corporations. Medical practices are disrupted and absorbed into larger healthcare systems. Patients are computerized files followed by everybody without a medical degree who are called doctors, practitioners and other misleading terms. This allows patients to believe they are still cared by medically qualified fully licensed physicians. Or even worse yet, we are now all called providers or healthcare providers to even the playing field of titles. Many different skill sets hide behind this title, a title coined by other sources so that everyone is deceptively equally skilled. Physicians should feel insulted when they are called provider. There are many campaigns that champion this course, advocating that it allows greater access to care and that rural places have no physicians. But the bottom line is the bottom line. It’s all about money and hiring the most economic labor for the most valuable skill set required. It has happened at the primary care level and anesthesiology level. They’ll soon be coming for the jobs of radiologists and surgeons if artificial intelligence and robotic technology do not intercede.

Health insurances and drug companies are the dominant forces having an illicit affair with each other, while we are the bystanders that are profoundly affected by their decisions. Physicians contract with insurance companies and render services to patients.  Coding is the norm where a multitude of questions are answered and documented so physicians are reimbursed. This is why burnout is rampant and valuable face-to-face time is replaced. This works superbly for insurance companies. Businessmen rise in ranks dictating the quality of care.


Care is impeded by requirements of insurance companies. Physicians have to fight insurance companies in order to obtain an MRI of the brain for a patient they are worried might have a tumor. They undergo a process called a peer-to-peer review. A physician who is usually not a specialist employed by the insurance company reviews the clinician’s notes and determines whether the test will be covered. It might simple but not when it can take 15-20 minutes for one test. Multiply that by the number of tests that is reviewed. This is a wastage of valuable patient-physician time. This is a source of infinite frustration to physicians but insurances dictate the quality of care because they hold the purse strings for healthcare, controlling who gets the test. If it is denied then the physician and staff waste even more time appealing. If an MRI is ordered for a tumor, this may delay diagnosis and care where time is of the essence. Insurance companies obfuscate in hopes that tests or certain medications are not pursued, saving them money.

Patients who need specialists have to see their primary care doctor to get a referral in order to see a specialist which can delay care. Time is exceptionally important in cases such as in patients with oncologist conditions where every crucial day that is delayed in diagnosis may result in greater shortening of life expectancy.

Physicians are subconsciously dictated into referring within network because it is covered by health insurance even if a more qualified physician is a few feet away but may be out of the network. This boosts profitability within the insurance companies.

Appointments are reduced to 10 minute slots. Yes, they can be extended but physicians need to pay overhead, malpractice insurance, staff wages and any school debt. It is not financially feasible to see 8 patients in one day. Patients only see that their doctors are spending more time on the computer and have less eye contact. They feel unheard and unnoticed. They do not understand the pressures physician must face or that the system has transformed the quality of medicine. Physicians are at risk of an increasing number of errors because they work at a higher and higher levels. Those who supervise non-physician personnel oversee the care of up to 60 patients a day. These are worse conditions than residency because physicians assume all liability.

Where did things go very wrong?

One of the pivotal moments occurred when physician assistants and nurse practitioners assumed larger responsibilities, at times well beyond their training can handle. They are paid less than physicians and have trained substantially less than physicians yet work under the same conditions, giving medical advice, and writing prescriptions. They manage the care of a patient that was once the privilege of a physician. When I previously worked in New York City, I had the pleasure of working with some wonderful Physician Assistants and Nurse Practioners under neurosurgery. They called my neurological services when needed. They took care of the neurosurgical care of patients on the floor under the supervision of the neurosurgeon. But they knew their lane and worked under such. It was a well-oiled machine where everybody stayed in their lane. The quality of care was superb.  Fast forward nearly over a decade, PA’s and NP’s manage complex patients on their own with a physician type role. The job description is completely different and the training is ill-fitting to such a role. This is where the problem lies.

Once upon a time, there were military corpsmen working side by side with surgeons during the Vietnam war. They checked blood pressures, started IV lines, recognized and triaged patients.  They developed finely honed, valuable clinical skills. When the Vietnam war ended there were many medically skilled corpsmen whose skills would be wasted which how the position medical assistant was born. These jobs were created as a complementary position in aiding in healthcare. The positions of a PA and NP are similar, working as a complementary skill set in healthcare. They have a place in healthcare. But they were never originally intended to replace the extensive knowledge and skillset and training of a physician. To do so only invites a markedly different and not necessarily more superior quality of healthcare.

There are now nurse practitioners pushing for independent practice unsupervised to dole medical advice. They are a boon for any business administrator in medicine. In the hospital setting, one doctor could be supervising 5 nurse practitioners, therefore less financial burden on the part of hospitals. Liability is less expensive for hospitals because instead of 6 doctors they can pay for one while the doctor assumes more responsibility and all liability. The minute a physician speaks up about the quality of care they are dismissed quietly and either terminated or forced to resign. Many physicians do not come forward with their observations due to fear of retaliation or retribution. Many go on quietly working in other practices with the incident never to be spoken of again. They are gaslighted thinking they somehow did wrong by whistleblowing on the corruption of medicine. Very few come forward with their stories which they hide, feeling shamed and devastated.

How physicians and patients are fleeced alive

There are now many organizations working for physician recredentialing and maintenance of certification but the bottom line is profitability. Physicians supply the goods. Physician organizations work in cahoots with these other systems. While it is supposedly prestigious to be a member of a professional organization, everything is intertwined with money being the center. MOC (maintenance of certification) is a requirement entailing large fees in the hundreds annually and in the thousands over a decade. In Neurology, recertification and MOC over is a grand total of $23,580 over 30 years including examinations or $377,727,280 for more than 16,000 neurologists. This is highway robbery and doctors in every specialty are skinned alive. A physician cannot work in a hospital unless certified. A physician cannot be reimbursed by insurances unless you are certified. What was once voluntary is now coercion in order to drain from physicians. One of the very few non-corrupted professional pro-doctor organizations is the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons who are truly physician and patient advocates. The PPP or group for Physicians for Patient Protection is a pro-patient and pro-physician group that implements proactive work. Other grassroots physician-led actions are from members of the group Physicians Working Together.

Health insurances are misnomers. The health premiums run into the hundreds and thousands a month which do not kick in unless you completely paid off your deductible. A deductible is a deceptive term where one must shoulder thousands of dollars before the insurance coverage is activated. This is an incredibly profitable business for insurance companies because there is no return in investment until one is short several thousands of dollars. Healthcare is a universally needed commodity. Supply and demand dictates that the higher the necessity the more someone is willing to pay for that need, it’s sheer unadulterated business genius. Insurance companies work in close collaboration with pharmacies, drug companies which is why only certain drugs are approved. It steers that patient towards obtaining the drug with which the insurance company works with. There are other nuances about new medications, pharmaceutical drug company driven research data, connection of pharmacies, drugs and health insurances but that’s a whole different article that can be expounded at length.

It is 2018, medicine is now an extremely corrupted business of profit over patient.


One doctor decides to take a stand for patient care

However, one physician did decide to take a stand for patient care. Diana Blum is a neurologist who worked in a medical practice in Palo Alto in 2009. When she became a shareholder and attended business meetings, she became more cognizant of the business dealings of the group. Some examples were reported to include not referring out of network, not using drug samples and other practices that increases profitability from a business aspect. When she commented on the negative impact on patient care she was labelled a “non-team-player,” “disruptor” and using “inappropriate comments.” She was reported as offered 3 options (1) resign to avoid negative letters of recommendation, (2) be terminated or (3) bring a claim or expose to the media knowing she might never work in that area again. She was reported as placed under PIP or performance improvement plan despite having some of the highest ratings in satisfaction by patients. She opted to resign under coercion. At one point, she consulted on one patient with reported negative impact from these types of practices and decided to take a stand. Many of the relevant facts were suppressed because the judge reportedly thought it might bias the jury. The judge was reported as siding with the other side as to who owes legal fees. There are still many details that Dr. Blum is not at the liberty of declaring since an appeal is ongoing. She reports there are many physicians in the same company with similar observations and pressures but cannot speak due to fear of retaliation and repercussions. This information was shared with her permission.

This marks the crossroads of medicine. After all the extensive documentation for electronic medical records, the shortening of the face-to-face time physicians have with their patients, the quiet rampant replacement of physicians with nurse practitioners and physician assistants where in some states they are allowed to work independently, this is one incident that must not be a small blip on the news, that must not be allowed to fade. It signifies a very important turning point in the standard of care.

It can easily be sensationalized or demonized but this sets the precedence of things to come. It signifies that a physician who advocates for patient care invites termination. If one brings claims against administration, the corporate office has an unending supply of legal arsenal to retaliate against that physician. This has to be one of the lowest points in medicine. This incident is of utmost importance because it sends a chilling message that essentially signals the suppression of physician voices all over the country. If physicians do not take a stand on behalf of patient care, who will? Physicians must be both physician and patient advocates. Nobody cares about physician burnout except physicians. It is of no consequence to anybody else if patients see less of their doctors except to physicians and patients. Both physicians and patients have been on the losing team these past few decades. We need to take back medicine or the only ones who will lose are the very ones it is supposed to serve.


How can we change the system?

Both physicians and patients need to be their own advocates. Patients must demand to see a physician, not non-medical doctor personnel and have a right to see their physician with whom they have the patient-doctor relationship. Other options are to look into direct primary care and take on catastrophic insurance. This bypasses the monthly costly fees to insurance companies. Physicians involved in direct primary care tend to have access to the lowest rates of medications and can direct patients to less costly outlets. Physicians in private practice and direct primary care have access and knowledge of companies with imaging studies with the most economic rates. Instead of a $3000 MRI deducted from the high deductibles paid out-of-pocket, a wholesale type price straight from the company can be $300. Patients need to be their own advocates by taking care of their health. Everything is interconnected, including the fast food industry, the companies that manufacture processed food, the drug companies, the insurance companies, and the health industry. Everything is big business. When people are chronically ill related to a lifestyle of unhealthy food they need medicine, they need healthcare. It’s an unending profit cycle. Each business feeds into each business. It’s a merry-go-round of profits. Healthy people do not need to see physicians. Prevention is key to keeping the doctor away. Fewer patients mean less shortage which means better quality care from physicians.


Physicians do not need to hang their heads low accepting the workload they are given. There are other options including direct primary care, entering private practice, and deleting insurance companies. Speaking up and raising awareness of these issues should not be discounted. Many physicians are resigned to the fate of medicine but it does not have to be that way. There are physician activists who are well adept and fighting the worthy cause through legislation, including Dr. Westby Fisher who is working to fight MOC. This includes a recent success story of Dr. Craig Wax winning the battle along with 3 other doctors untying professional membership from board certification. There are physician advocates raising awareness of the exorbitant pricing of medications and kickbacks such as that seen in the work of Dr. Marion Mass. Officials have taken note. Physician writers who are well-connected can raise awareness of these current conditions. If you see something say something. Physicians should demand they be called Doctor and Physician not provider, not health care professional, not health care provider. It is an insult to your nearly 11-17 years of training to be called anything other than that. We are physicians who studied to take care of patients to the best of our ability.  It is because of our very complacency and the burgeoning work requirements which have caused these current issues. Nobody else will extricate physicians and patients from these predicaments except ourselves. One day everybody will be a patient, if healthcare is worrisome now, its deterioration will only continue to worsen. The next generation will not even understand what excellent healthcare is because they would have never experienced it which is very sad.

It is easy to be complacent but one day every single one of us will be affected whether at work or at the doctor’s office. When someone’s mother with a devastating disease is cared for by a physician assistant who knows nothing about that patient and has to step outside 4 times to check on records and cannot answer the most important questions, one knows it is time to make a change for the better. It is troubling to say the least when you see a medical office plaque for subspecialty with 16 doctors in white coats caring for the sickest group, when on closer inspection 8 of them are nurse practitioners and physician assistants. In a few years time, there will be fewer with M.D.’s and D.O.’s after their names. One day there will be one licensed physician handling a whole department on non-physician staff.

As I leave my business cards with doctors offices, I am shocked to discover that some practices have non-physicians who are 1/2 the staff on their shingle, especially hospital practices. One day it will be one doctor and the rest non-physicians. Is this really the way we want medicine to become? Physicians are leaving medicine by the droves and are fed up with the state. Others feel powerless and feel that this is their only recourse bogged down by huge loans and personal responsibilities.


Call to action

Medicine has essentially become a business, an industry, profiting from physicians and patients, employing the least trained personnel to replace and step into their shoes and depriving patients of quality time and care they deserve. In a few years, medicine will become a shell of what it used to be, it will only deteriorate further if nothing is done now. In watching idly continuing about with our business, we are complicit with its decline. If a physician such as Dr. Blum cannot even fight the good fight for patient care and cannot reason that the ongoing healthcare policies are detrimental only to be suppressed and devastated for speaking up, then the rest of us are doomed.

One of the basic tenets of serving as a physician is “primum non nocere,” first, do no harm. To stay silent on these issues grossly impacts patients in a negative manner. But how do we advocate for patients when we are silenced and censored? Dr. Blum is devastated and suppressed for advocating for good patient care. She is the sacrificial lamb in standing up for care. It strikes a chord in many physicians because this is why we chose this profession and trained hard for it. We cannot let medicine be ruined. We rise above it. If we can soldier through 90-hour work weeks during intense training which no sane person would want to experience, why should we let non-physician administrators dictate how we practice or decide that we make inappropriate comments. It is every bit of convolution. If a stand is not taken now when will this descent end?

Medicine is in shambles today because we are complicit and enabled this to happen, perhaps not by choice but by inaction. All the wellness programs in the world will not reverse the underlying cause of the dilemma. The quandary is that healthcare is reduced to a masterful game of production and profit, the pawns are patients and physicians.

We must actively take ownership of our responsibility to our patients, pick up the shards and rebuild the patient-centered system it is supposed to be. We can do this, every single one of us by not tolerating these conditions by saying no to the current state of affairs. Some details have been outlined. By not enabling the way medicine is practiced we can make a change. By giving our patients the best of ourselves and not just snippets of time resulting in a gross overload of work we are not doing a justice towards our responsibility towards our patients or ourselves.

Discussing it does not work. But if every single one of us changes our work habits maybe even our work by doing DPC or something similar we take back medicine so we practice how it is supposed to be and not under the restrictive conditions of a profit-driven insurance company. When you’ve practiced under both conditions you see a huge difference. The horse is already out of the barn. But who else will care enough to fix this mess and make changes, nobody else but us.

Primum non nocere, first, do no harm. This is our calling, this is our truth.

Virginia Thornley, M.D. is a neurologist who writes at



If you’re burned out reading this article check out the medicine Musical of colleague Writer, Lyricist, Composer – Michael Ehrenreich, M.D. 

Just helping a colleague promote their dream.



27 thoughts on “Demise of medicine: neurologist who advocated for patients is silenced

  1. Dr. Thornley, you perfectly crystallized what all doctors are feeling, the frustration, exhaustion of working in this “new” system. We do need to organize ourselves to deal with this. They say organizing doctors is like trying to herd cats, but we really need to change that mentality to acting like dogs, and attack like a pack! We need to be heard as a cohesive force, a single voice!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for your insightful comments. There are some advocacy grassroot organizations including PHYSICIANS WORKING TOGETHER a closed group on facebook. The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, 11,000 strong on Twitter are also pro-physician trying to help doctors and our cause. Also, the PPP or physicians putting patients first which are ironically blocked by @aanp (I’m guessing that a group for NP’s) is another pro-patient pro-physician group. Everybody else is all about how to squeeze out fees, credentialing, membership fees from physicians, everything is interconnected-MOC, MOC required CME, professional memberships where you get that CME-what does that tell you they are all for profit organizations. The problem is that not many physicians are on social media, we’re too busy taking care of patients which is our vocation with busy schedules-and this is what the shark corporates prey on-physicians are too honorable to complain about work conditions, worsening of workload, it makes you feel weak, we keep our heads low feel we are doing our duty and carry on. Ultimately this leads to burnout and physician suicide. It’s a harsh vicious cycle with patients and physicians losing.

      I know I’ll get backlash from opposing parties if they bother to read this but what I wrote about summarizes everything that is dysfunctional with healthcare today. Physician extender positions were never meant to replace physicians. They have a place but never to replace. The corporates have overextended their function much to the detriment of care. Health insurance is a misnomer sucking out as much profit working in cahoots with pharmaceutical companies. And now physicians who have always been trained in science and under experienced physicians are being shushed the minute they speak up about the deteriorating quality of care. Unbeknownst to the public or even other physicians, extenders are now very powerful in the hospital world. The administration is on their side because they are less expensive not because of the skillset. Physicians who dare speak up when they see something that is not the standard of care are suppressed by termination or coerced into resignation. I myself have been witness, in the work setting and personally, to the very different quality at work when they replace the role of a physician and not work as an assistant which has all along been their intended role. They are great in assisting in care but in managing and treating independently is a whole different story. The very names are an oxymoron, physician assistant and nurse practioner. nowhere in the title is physician. The title physician encompasses the extensive training undergone, the ability to care and manage patients because of this training. There is no other profession with the same training as a physician. Physician extenders are supposed to assist not manage independently. The training is completely different no matter how corporates want to spin it or sugar coat it. This is where the ambiguity arises and patients are misled. It’s only going to get worse. Physicians are busy stomping out fires staying low profile but I find that the weaker you get the weaker you get. We are now in a precarious situation where the essential sacred patient physician bond is nearly disrupted. It’s still untainted in pure private practices with little middlemen but it’s only getting worse with each year and definitely each decade. It’s hard to watch idly or read about burnout and wellness programs because it doesn’t address the underlying situation of profit over care. I don’t think young physicians realize that it was never this way before. The bottom line is more important and drug companies and health insurances dictate the quality of care. The louder you are the more people will hear the message which is why I risk alienation by writing this but it has to be told. Because of my beliefs and what I see, I am a patient and physician advocate. We are all on the losing end if this continues.

      Primum no nocere is the basic tenet of the medical profession. First, do no harm. By not speaking up we are doing immense harm, this is our calling.


    • We could see this coming 45 years ago when PPOs began. I sat next to the father of PPOs on a flight. This man was greedy and self centered and surprised I questioned his ulterior motive to become rich off of the lonely poor middle class!
      What can I now do as a patient and survivor? I want to help and advocate for physicians. Your article nailed the truth of corporate greed!
      I no longer want to hear about the 400 physicians who commit suiscide each year at the expense of grieving loved one and their patients.
      Please sign me up to help physicians. as a former F/A we won the discrimination suite! We have personally witnessed both sides of medicine and want to take a stand with physicians! How can we help?


      • Thank you for your comment. My article is to help raise awareness. Patients are suffering physicians can’t do their jobs they were trained for with the current conditions. There has been a resounding response to my article because we are all affected. There are grassroots physician organizations fighting for patients rights as physician and patient advocates. I think patients also need to know they don’t need to tolerate these conditions. Physicians have shared my piece with their patient groups. Patients are angry at the type of care the receive especially oncology patients I will share your comments


  2. John E says:

    Eloquently written and every word is true, sme thing occurs in ER, can’t have a patient stay longer than 2 hours, don’t prescibe narcotics but get fired if they complain ad nauseum. I reuse to work with scribes and NP zi didn’t help train.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Go to for information about them. They started in 1943. I think you’d gain a lot from attending the conference. The 1st time I went in 2012 I left feeling like I’d been to a revival. The truly support what your beliefs & even have legal support available Drs can acceess quickly if in need for advice. They took on the corrupt Texas Medical Board & won. Try to join us in October. You won’t be sorry.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Charles Steiner says:

    “Less patients means less shortage which means better quality care from physicians.”

    Fewer patients mean less shortage, which means better quality care from physicians.


  5. Pingback: In the Realm of Rotten | Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge

    • Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to comment. I don’t know how we can make changes but the first step is to recognize there is a problem. If doctors don’t like the present state of affairs the onus is on us to change it. I’m in private practice which has much more freedom we don’t take a lot of insurance and it’s so much more satisfying for my patients and myself. I’m less restricted and take more time. These conditions exist because we tolerate and enable it.


  6. Shervin Eshraghi, MD says:

    Well said!!! There is so much truth in all your comments, something which I have felt for many years. One of the fundamental problems which have led us to be in this situation is that physicians have no unity in thought and action. The AMA has dropped the ball big time! Our forefathers were complacent and gradually surrendered control to non-medical administrators and mid-level providers with inadequate training. We should be ashamed of ourselves for letting this happen! More importantly, if we don’t take collective action to change the current climate, we would be subjecting our descendents to perpetual hell for generations to come! Let’s do something please!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for reading my piece. My short version is in KevinMD my longer version is on my blog which details everything that is unsatisfactory with today’s current affairs. We individually can do something. Do not tolerate less than doing a stellar performance. If the conditions are inferior then find it create a job where you shine and do your best. We have tolerated today’s affairs and nobody cares about the conditions except physicians and patients. The quality of care has declined to the extent that physicians cannot even advocate without fear of risking retribution. There are ways to change ourselves as well. We cannot blame the system but need to take responsibility ourselves by changing what we can one by one.


  7. Gary A. Belaga, M.D. says:

    Welcome to socialized medicine! When the government is in control, the individual becomes irrelevant. The government that is all that matters. If some individuals suffer and die, it is just the necessary cost for protecting the system. Elitist narcissists can delude themselves that government-run healthcare in Scandinavia, Venezuela, and Cuba are ideal, but the truth emerges as these failed schemes evolve in our own neighborhoods. This is the “fatal conceit” that Hayek described. The dangerous illusion of perfectibility leads inevitably to the gulag.


    • It’s the insurance companies that have led to the decline. They dictate the rules. We have enabled them to be a huge reckoning force while physicians keep working hoping it’ll get better. It will not get better we cannot tolerate it or allow it from declining further. Individually we can make changes in how we practice by tolerating a job where you must see a pt every 10 minutes or document 10 pages for a new visit you are tolerating these conditions. DPC and similar tracks puts the power back in the doctor and patients hands more time less restrictions. Every single person’s action leads to collective action. We can all make small ripples into a huge wave. Our practice does something similar it’s amazing. My eyes have been extricated from the blurry vision and it’s clear to me what needs to be done. If everyone of us puts our foot down and just says no and changes how we do things it would make a powerful change. But a handful of doctors cannot do it alone.


  8. Leland Patterson, MD says:

    In 1972, and while attending a hospital staff meeting, our then CEO told us that henceforth patients would be called “customers “ . He was met with a big negative vote. I submit that this whole process began then. Next the new hospital organization chart was presented and medical staff was at the bottom. That passed and it has been downhill since. Almost 50 years of slow erosion of medical influence. Look what it has got us and our patients. There is a lot of work and continued patience working to an end goal. But there must be an organization of like minded physicians bound by a single goal. A union so dedicated may be the only way to go. Hospital and insurance physicians must be excluded as they are bound by their employers to resist these goals.


    • Thank you for reading. There are grassroots organizations but they’re not well-known such as Physicians Working Together. Even one by one we can take the power back. Many doctors are disgusted with the current state and have taken medicine back by doing DPC direct primary care, we do something similar. When you take out insurances it’s amazing. There’s more time patients are happy I am happy. We cannot blame this and that the onus is on us because we enabled and tolerated this. One by one we can just say no to these detrimental conditions. I hope my words will fire up doctors to do something because it’s about to get worse. Pretty soon non-physicians will take over and become independent. More restrictions will be made and doctors will be “asked” to supervise 20 non-physicians. Why should we tolerate the decline of medicine we have the power to change. As I left my business cards in 30 doctors offices I was shocked at how some offices have 1/2 non-physicians. This climate is going to turn this way even more in the future


  9. Lewis Almaraz says:

    Very well written. I became emotional when reading this. I have been a neurologist for 38y. I retired but then I attempted to return to practice. I felt I had a lot to offer. But soon realized I was a dinosaur. I longed for the days where I would have a note pad and pencil sitting at the because of a patient, looking at their eyes, touching them and spending as much time as I needed in order to make sure they received the best care possible without worrying about whether or not I checked the correct box in a computer program. I also longed for the days where I could pick up a chart and within minutes I was able to understand a patient’s problem after reading logical and coherent SOAP notes. I was also appalled that I would request a consultation from another specialty and a NP or PA would show up. What value is that when I would know more than they do? Profit driven medicine is the death of medicine. Please add my name to your list of concerned physicians.


    • Thank you so much for taking time to write your authentic comments. There are ways of taking back medicine one is the DPC model. We practice in a similar mode and it is night and day. When you take out the insurance companies it’s amazing-no more crazy rules, no more time restriction I spend 1 hour on new ones 30 minutes on old patients. I can do my job to the best of my ability without having to work on working as fast as I can just to improve production like I did with my old jobs. We have the power to change things. You are not a dinosaur, this is why I see so many doctors still practicing in their 80’s. Doctors have a skill set acquired through a lifetime of experience that cannot be replaced by anybody no matter what anyone else says. I would encourage you to practice again, maybe join a solo doc who is too busy and do a DPC model. You have so much to offer. Thank you for reading I hope my words will change doctors in such a way that we can do something. Collective action is great but we need to start now with ourselves one doctor at a time


  10. W H, MD says:

    Hello Dr Thornley, I am not a neurologist, but I did do 1/2 a residency in the distant past, so I do feel a common ground. I have now belatedly read your post on Dr. Blum’s experience. Thank you. And a thank you to the commenters who reinforced the issue. To quote David Cay Johnston’s latest book on the current status in Washington DC, “Its worse than you think”.

    In short, we have experienced a 40+ year careful, incremental, highly successful effort by major healthcare corporate entities to separate responsibility from authority. Leaving you with all the responsibility and them with all the authority. There is no better recipe for disaster. Even the state medical boards are often largely run by lawyers and bureaucrats, with volunteer physicians as window dressing.

    One need only delve a tiny bit into the world of Interventional Pain Medicine, and that specialty’s demise at the hands of regulatory agencies, to see how much worse it can be. Connecting the dots in this sordid scenario will produce a picture of such dismal triumph of politics over science and compassion, by commercial interest, utilizing every regulatory and media tool at their disposal, in furtherance of their goals of control and profit. Joseph Goebbels could not have structured it better.

    Time does not permit detailed comment, complete with documentation, of the degree to which we are pressured by commercial interests, among other techniques, having commandeered the regulatory agencies that impinge on various aspects of our practice, to force us into compliance. Or else. And they really mean, “Or else”. But I could. I really could. And I have been advised that I could incur some of the dangers to my liberty that have silenced Dr. Blum.

    I am in complete alignment with those who advocate strong, unified action. However, I am not optimistic. “Once you have begun to serve the tyrants, it is so difficult to get you to stop that I have to say, it is not so much that you lost your liberty, but that you earned your enslavement.” – Etienne de la Boetie, “On Voluntary Servitude”,1550. American physicians in 2019 are not significantly different that Frenchmen in 1550.


    • Dear Doctor, thank you very much for your thoughtful response. I am sorry you do not feel optimistic. But this is the time we need to stay strong and collectively take action. My forte is through my words, the fact that I have had 27,000 shares of a smaller same titled article on KevinMD and over 10,000 views on my blog tells me my words resonate with so many physicians. I continue to do this to raise awareness but now we must find action. How do we galvanize physicians to take action. There are physician advocates such as Dr. Westby Fisher fighting the MOC. Dr. Marion Mass fighting skyrocketing drug prices due to PBM’s. Dr. Leah Houston finding a way through HPEC to protect our identities. We all have something to bring to the table and collectively we can take back medicine. It is very difficult to change the existing system, what we can do is take back our medical authority through private practice not taking insurance, direct primary care. It’s placing the importance again back into the heart of the patient-physician relationship. Patients can demand nothing but excellence and demand they see and M.D. or a D.O. The fact that I’ve had so many thoughtful responses to my writings tells me that we cannot continue like this. Now pharmacists, non-physicians are taking control, the whole doctor-patient relationship will be eroded into nothingness. The purest form of healing is through a doctor-patient relationship in the office setting. A patient should be able to trust their physician to give them the time and energy they need to take care of them. The current system does not allow this that is why burnout is an epidemic. I take great risk to my career writing about this but I don’t think I can live with myself if I stay silent knowing my words can reach far and knowing what I do. I plan to write more about it in a book which is less transient than a blog about all the machinations and some solutions. Words can be powerful and can dominate so that it arouses people to cause change, revolution. We should not be resigned-to stay silent is to be complacent and it is to be agreeable to what goes on. So many doctors are afraid for their jobs to speak but this cannot continue. Thank you very much for taking time to respond. It only makes me want to double down my effort in using my writing skills in trying to fight this huge rapid decline of medicine.


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